Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What I'm up to...well, ok..what I'd like to be up to...

So, my friend Carrie came over with Art Doll Quarterly... and AWESOME publication with FUNKY and creative doll work. The cover was a corpse doll byJenny Alcantara and Sheri DeBow..incredible..

Carrie asked me how to make them...jeeeze...I don't know. So there it is. The wonderful 4 year old brain of mine that can't stay to one task to save my life says...lets find out. so here we go. I thought I'd journal a bit about the process and take some pho-tots and see what happens.

Thanks Carrie Sue! ; )
Smiles to All,

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be fun to follow. I don't have a store near me that sells the magazine so I'm off to find the issue on site.
