Sunday, January 31, 2010

funny how life works

Last Sunday I was lucky enough to be sitting eating brunch with my friend, Liz. She's come back into my life thru these wonderful social networks, we'd gone to grade school together, and then separate lives and now at 45, back to friendship. That right there...funny how life works and brings what you need, when you need it....

...but that wasn't what I was going to talk about... I was talking about wanting and needing a group, some people to connect to, to help inspire me creatively, and who look at the possibilities of life....

....then, my neighbor gave me a turkey.

Yep, a phone call and a thawed turkey brought me to my new adventure.
The Comfort Doll Project.

Our Comfort Dolls are all hand made and then when we collect 12 I will send them to Battered Women's shelters. I already in 2 days, have women who have written and want to participate. It's wonderful!!! If you want to know more about it check out:

So...take a risks...say what you want out loud to the universe....and then forgettaboutit...It's amazing how fast it will come to you!!

Smiles to All B.

1 comment:

  1. You follow my same belief..kind of like if you build it, it will come. Crafty people want to share their joy of creating something that will be cherished by someone. You'll get plenty of dolls.

    What is your particular artist talent?
