Sunday, February 20, 2011


What a great weekend. First a sunny warm day in the middle of a Northwest Indiana winter. (giant smile) We got the rest of the wood pile moved to the front porch. My great new book arrived. Michaels had great coupons and I was able to start getting my supplies ready for Ohio. (even bigger smile, I used my Michaels gift card that I got for Christmas-thanks Mom and Dad). Dave was able to get out on the bike!!!(jumping while smiling) and I worked on learning about paper clay and painting are the results so far.

you can definitely tell both the progression of sculpture structure and painting. I've e-mailed our high school Japanese instructor to see if she can help with the translation of the book. Let's keep our fingers crossed, that would be AMAZING!Smiles to All, Brenda came!!

I finally got my book from Japan today! So exciting. Now...I really wish I read some Japanese! What I find so funny is that the pictures and numbers are in English, and under each heading is the English word...and then to add insult to injury a specific square with the only language is English "Advice" and then the advice given all in Japanese. To be fair. I knew that this book was not written in English. I also thought that the photos and the sequences would be exceptional. I am not disappointed! AMAZING! It has got my curiosity up so much that it's a bit of a has me thinking that I need to talk with our local high school and see if the Japanese class can do some extra credit by interpreting....hey...I think its worth a shot.
Smiles to All, Brenda

Friday, February 18, 2011, I don't read Japanese...

so, I'm sitting here eagerly awaiting my new book, Yoshida Style Ball Jointed Doll-Making Guide by Ryo Yoshida, and yes, all the instructions are in Japanese! Marina suggested it in her blog, and once I saw the photo's, eh...maybe I can muddle through with some help from the BJD bloggers. I am totally new to this, but I'm a lover of the "process" work, and from my understanding...gadzooks, it's a process!

These dolls are made out of paperclay, which is nice, it's inexpensive and easy to come by. So, I got my hands sticky and icky and full of goo. It was wonderful. I'm finding it to be sort of a fun medium. You can sand it, build it up, if you accidentally notch out the nose...just add more paper.So here are the results so far all are WIP (works in progress)...
The eyes in this guy were made by following Marina's tutorial. These are all much larger than the BJD's will be but it has been a good way to introduce myself to the medium. ALSO, I'm taking the Poppet class at the AFIC in Ohio with Lillian Alberti. This is also done out of cool, I'm learning!
It was pretty funny the other day my son came in and read the note on the oven, "Boys, there are heads in the oven, please remove them before you change the temp. Love you Mom" he is certain that there are some families where this is not only NOT the norm, but...would probably freak them out! Ha!
Smiles to All,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

...and the winner is...


#58 on Magic Carpet

I can't belive my doll gets to go all the way to Tuscany, Italy. She will have a stamp in her passport before I. (I actually get to get mine March 24th) Yeah to Mila, and thank you. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and checked out the Comfort Doll Program and bwh2. It has been such a pleasure to participate with everyone!

Friday, February 4, 2011 in form OR ...what else can I do with this

So here it is, the generic form I started with. I wish I could give credit to who first created this outline, but, I've forgotten which mag I pulled it from. Just a side note, don't you just love all the uses for recycled cereal boxes? : ) I went ahead an made one out of an animal print, and two out of a satin. I'm forcing...ok trying to make with the face so I drew her face using Y&C Fabric Mate marker. (epb sells a kit with specific colors for faces)
I decided to run with the animal motif and created a "mane" out of a turqouise boa. Then, I added some blue fur. I really wasn't digging the effect so...I added the gold beads...then some glitter...and then, well, I put modge podge on it for a contrast of texture. She still needs more somethin' somethin'...but she is now resting for her next inspiration.
On to the satin figure...

I remember the article I got this form from had and optional loop on the back, for hanging. I've decided I want her purely free-standing. Through the stuffing slit, I poked my hemos in pushing the stuffing to either side to make a space for tubing to be inserted. I went into the kitchen and found a McDonald's straw...perfect. I had an left over stand from another project that I will use as a base..

I really didn't like the offwhite petals, so I decided to use permanent markers to color them and then mute and blend the colors by apply alcohol...tadaaa, I like that much better now.Next. I glue on a sash and next to the application of the seed beads. I'm getting pooped and want to post, so, be continued.
Smiles to all,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

OWOH 2011 - One World One Heart Giveway


Hi everyone! My name is Brenda, and I live in Northwest Indiana, outside Chicagoland. I'm an artist of varied medium. I've dabbled in polymer, porcelain, quilting and cloth dolls. I have a tendency to follow my curiousity. I am looking forward to attending my 2nd artistic doll conference,the AFIC, in Ohio at the end of April. I have signed up for 2 classes devoted to the face. (my largest nemisis) I am also the spokesperson for the Comfort Doll Project, a group of online artists who send in comfort dolls which are then placed in abused women's shelters
The doll I am giving away is from my study of form. Her foundation is polyfilled satin, needle scuplted face, and cotton hair. Her dress is made of individual silk flower petals, accented with her seed beaded bodice. She was a joy to make. What a wonderful way OWOH is to find her a new home.
Please leave a comment for me in order to be entered into this giveaway. February 17th I will be randomly pulling a name from a hat to decide the winner.
Thanks, for visiting my blog.
Smiles to All,